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Examination Results for for PDE written in February now Available


Hi Property Practitioners!

The EAAB has released a communique stating that the examination results for the Professional Designation Examinations written on 25 February 2021 has now been released.

The results is available on the Cirrus System, which is the same platform that was used to write the exams. All you need to do to check the website for your results is as follows:

  1. Please logon using your previous credentials: Login name and password being your email address that you used during the exam in question and ID number.

  2. Upon login in, you should successfully land on your Dashboard.

  3. The results should be visible when you select 'completed' in the top right corner from the drop-down menu.

If you have logged in and cannot see your results, it is advised that you email the education department on with your name and surname, ID number and FFC reference number stating that you cannot see your results.

The results is currently not available through the EAAB online portal, but it seems it will be somewhere in June 2021.

The EAAB has advised that, because the results are not loaded on the EAAB website yet, the automatic status update of a person's qualification status will not yet be possible.

We suggest that Property Practitioners who have passed this exam must please exercise patience with the updating of their FFC's. The EAAB will let everyone know when the results is available on the EAAB website, after which the status upgrades will take place automatically!

With Love,



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